5-Dollar Savings Challenge
5-Dollar Savings Challenge
Get ready for a fun 5-Dollar Savings Challenge!
The Rebellious Spender 5-Dollar Savings Challenge is designed to help you jumpstart your savings journey with simple, daily actions that make saving fun and achievable.
Once you complete the challenge, you will have saved $210!
Get ready to celebrate building sound financial habits, curbing unnecessary spending, and growing in stewardship principles that please God!
Whether you are looking to save for a specific goal or want to establish a stronger financial foundation, this challenge will encourage you to take control of your finances, all while defeating a rebellious spirit that can drive you to overspending.
Once you purchase the challenge sheet, you'll receive an email with downloading instructions. Only ONE download available per purchase so please be sure to download the sheet as soon as you receive the confirmation email.
Note: The "KFP MARKETPLACE" watermark is removed from the download once purchased.